Sunday, August 10, 2008

Spend to Attain Piety

By no means shall you attain Al-Birr (piety, righteousness - here it means Allâh's Reward, i.e. Paradise), unless you spend (in Allâh's Cause) of that which you love; and whatever of good you spend, Allâh knows it well.

Growing up spoiled i never shared what was mine. But now that i'm growing up i realized that everytime i share for Allah (even if it is a piece of cheesecake) I feel good. Like seriously...REALLY GOOD.
Share for Allah because everytime you share (quietly0 Allah watches it and knows it..He's always there. So try your best because your best...might just lead you to the mercy of Allah...paradise.
Rabia Osman.

Five something that you dearly love fot he sake of Allah because in return Allah will reward you greatly. Most importantly you will attain piety. Giving something as little as one dollar to help build a masjid will give you reward for every person who performs Salah in that Masjid.
Sana Afzal

Spending a thing loved on a even a beloved will help us attain righteousness and will also increase our love for the Lord and His love for us.
Aysha Feroz

By spending in the way of Allah you get closer to Allah. If you love something dearly, try to sacrifice it because Allah will give you something much better in return. it can be anything, food clothes jewelry or a seat on the bus to an elderly or disabled person. Even offering help is spending out o your time. This way you will increase your piety and move up in ranks in front of Allah.
Sarah Afzal

Spending brings us closer to Allah! Giving up something for Him shows sacrifice and also takes away greediness on top of that it increases up in our faith and brings us one step closer to piety (righteousness)
Sheeza Ejaz

Giving and spending in the way of Allah is emphasized much in the Quran. We should spend or give something to prove our love of Allah to Him. When we give we become closer to Him and we also attain righteousness which becomes a means of His mercy. At the time of the Prophet (S) his companoins gave up thier homes for Allah cause they knew there was a better home waiting for them in the next world... we can give anything (in good condition) we like it really depends on our intention. You can even give your seat on the bus and share a type of food you love :).
Zaree Ahmedzay

Give up what you love for the sake of Allah and He will know what struggle you went through and He will give you your share in Paradise. And remember the key if for Allah otherwise all your efforts have gone to waste.
Juvaria Thasthaniv.

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