Sunday, June 21, 2009

What i learned

Rasullulah (S) was also sent to the jinn, because they will listen to them too.

All of the other prophets were sent to specific nations whereas Rasullulah (S) was sent to all of mankind.

Ayah 159). Breaking the religion into sects is forbidden. Allah will deal with them on the day of judgement

Ayah 160). For the good deed Allah will multiply it by 10 times or maybe more. And if one comes with a bad deed it will be counted as one.

Ayah 161). This Surah as we can see started with Ibrahim (AS)'s faith and finished talking about his faith because he submitted to Allah without questioning and Allah said he is His friend.

Ayah 162). Anything you do turns into worship

Ayah 163).

Ayah 164). Each soul is responsible for itself

Ayah 165). Allah has put us in different ranks to test us. And He will forgive us if we seek repentance

Aisha Oramus

Why wait?

What are we waiting for? Day of Judgment? The punishment? Allah says when it comes, it will be of no good, why wait to do good to repent etc. Allah is waiting for us!!!

The Army of Allah

Qualities of a believer include the ones who love Allah, the ones who are soft and humble towards fellow believers and the one who is stern towards the disbelievers.
***These people become the Army of Allah who are ALWAYS victorious***


Repent now because when the Sun rises from the west, and the Angels come down, your repentance will no longer be accepted

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Concentration in Salah

One of the Saliheen was asked how he kept his khushu' in prayer (concentration & humbleness etc. )

He said, 'I imagine that Allah is before me, that the Angel of Death is at my back, that the gardens of Jannah are to my right, that the fires of Jahannum are on my left and that I am standing on the Sirat'

--Shagufta Akbar--

....Allah makes his way to Jannah easier.

Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu,

Abu Hurairah (radiyAllahu anhu) reported: The Prophet Salallahu alaihi wasssalam said, "Who ever treads the path in search of Knowledge, Allah makes his way to Jannah easier."

We all say we want to go to Paradise but some of us don't know how to get there or where to begin. the Prophet Salallahu alaihi wasssalam told us in this hadith where to begin. Alhumdulillah we have many institutes around us that are making an effort to make us aware of the Proper Knowledge of Qur'an and Sunnah, so none of us have the excuse of saying we don't know where to go for classes.

There are online classes. If you are not the type who can sit in front of the computer and learn then go on site. Don't have enough time to dedicate yourself to a full time course there are classes that just come few times a year for a few days take those. we can give ourselves as many excuses as we want but on the Day of Judgement none of them would be accepted.

Allah question us in the Qur'an" Are those who have knowledge equal to the ones who do not?" we can answer that for ourselves, so do not be amongst those who are ignorant and are deprived from the mercy of Allah.

Some institutions: -- offers online and on site. -- offers online and on site -- for those who are short on time. --urdu lectures
Paltalk has classes going on all the time you just have to check if they are based on Qur'an and Sunnah.

There are weekend classes in Jamaica Muslim center, in Flushing Muslim Center, Al-Maghrib is having classes in the local masjid. go out and explore. If any body knows of any other websites or places where there are classes being offered please let me know

The Stomach!!!

Explanation Of The Hadeeth: “No human ever filled a vessel worse than the stomach...”
Author: Al-Haafidh Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee
Source: Jaami' Al-'Uloom wal-Hikam, hadeeth no. 47
On the authority of Al-Miqdaam ibn Maadiy-Karib who said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah saying:
"No human ever filled a vessel worse than the stomach. Sufficient for any son of Aadam are some morsels to keep his back straight. But if it must be, then one third for his food, one third for his drink and one third for his breath." [Ahmad, At-Tirmidhee, An-Nasaa'ee, Ibn Maajah - hadeeth saheeh.]

1. Ibn Masaweh, a Muslim doctor, said after reading this hadeeth:
"If the people only used these words, they would avoid all diseases and maladies and the clinics and pharmacies would be idle."

2. Another doctor, Al-Harith ibn Kalada said:
"That which has killed mankind is the introduction of food on top of food before it has been digested."

3. As for spiritual benefits: humbleness of heart, strength of understanding, lessening of lower desires, lessening of personal opinions and anger, while overeating induces the opposites of all of those. Al-Hasan Al-Basree said:
"O, son of Adam, eat with one third of your stomach and drink with one third and leave one third of your stomach to breathe so that you may think."

4. Ibn Umar: A man said to Ibn Umar:
"Shouldn't I bring you some jawarish?" Ibn Umar said: "What is that?" He said: "Something which aids in digesting your food after you eat." Ibn Umar said: "I have not eaten to being full for four months. That is not because I am not able to do so, but I was with a group of people who were hungry more than they were full."

5. Not reaching your goals: Muhammad ibn Wasi said:
"Whoever eats little will understand and make others understand and will be clear and humble. Overeating weighs a person down and keeps him from much of what he wants [to accomplish]."

6. Al-Hasan Al-Basree:
"The test of Aadam, alayhis-salaam, was food and it is your test until Qiyama."
And, it used to be said:
"Whoever takes control of his stomach gets control of all good deeds."
"Wisdom does not reside in a full stomach."
One day, Al-Hasan offered some food to his companion who said: "I have eaten until I am no longer able to eat." To which Al-Hasan said:
"SubhaanAllaah! Does a Muslim eat until he is no longer able to eat?"

7. Allaah grants this world to those whom He loves and those He does not love but only grants hunger to those whom he loves.

8. Ash-Shaafi'ee said:
"I have not filled myself in sixteen years because filling oneself makes the body heavy, removes clear understanding, induces sleep and makes one weak for worship."

9. In Bukhaaree and Muslim:
"The believer eats with one stomach while the kafir eats with seven stomachs."
Meaning: The believer eats with the manners of Islam and in moderation, while the kafir eats based on desires and gluttony and so he eats with seven stomachs.

10. Also:
"Food for one is enough for two and food for two is enough for three and food for three is enough for four."

11. Also: From Aa'ishah:
"The family of Muhammad (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) never filled themselves with wheat bread three days in a row from the time he came to Madeenah until he passed away."

12. A Muslim should not merely follow his appetites. Allaah said:
"Then, they were followed by generations who neglected the prayer and followed their appetites. They will encounter a pit of fire except for those who repent..." [Maryam 59-60]

13. The best generations did not:
"The best generation is my generation, followed by the one after them then the one after them. Then will come a people who bear witness but are not asked to bear witness, who swear oaths but do not fulfill them and fatness will appear among them." [Bukhaaree and Muslim]

14. From Abee Barza that the Prophet (sal-Allaahu 'alayhe wa sallam) said:
"My greatest fear for you is the appetites of transgression with regard to your stomachs and your privates and the inclinations which lead astray." [Ahmad and others and its narrators are people of saheeh]

Jabeen Yusuf.

Involve yourself in Simple things.

"...And he knows what is on land and in the sea. And there falls not a leaf but he knows it; nor is there a grain in the deep darkness of the earth, nor anything green or dry, but it is recorded in a clear book."
How can anyone commit any sin or evil acts WHILE having this in mind?..(Allah is all seeing all knowing).


How to be a good Muslim involves two SIMPLE things:
be humble to your lord.
and merciful to the people.


If u want to be near to Allah and please him -You have To Rearrange your priorities and stay put in Satisfying Allah as the 1st priority (before anything in your life)


Our faith sometimes goes up and sometimes down , So U Should have a GOOD COMPANY .... Good friends who encourage u and reminds u to do the right when u forget and avoid the bad before doing it.

khealzaree ahmedzay
"Recently, the swine flu scare had been going on. People ran to the doctors at the smallest signs of flu, stayed away from big gatherings where the risk was higher, and took a lot of precaution to not catch this flu.
There is a similar flu in islam, called the spiritual flu.
This is when we don't feel like praying, don't feel like reading quran,feel like resorting to sins, and so on. Similar to the physical flu, at the slightest symptom we should go to seek help from a religious figure before it gets too late.
Similar to the physical flu, we should stay away from environments where we run the risk of doing sins (mixed weddings, theaters, bad friends, and the like).
Similar to the physical flu, we should take precaution and once we do catch the flu, try to cure it by tawbah before it gets too late and too embedded in our system like cancer and then we won't want to do tawbah, we won't care anymore, we cannot differentiate between right and wrong and so on.
So always remember to do tawbah tawbah tawbah. As quick as possible. Even if just in your head. Don't let it sit and ruin you.
If we can run to the doctor for symptoms of diseases,
we can run to Allah, the greatest curer for our biggest disease.

And Allah Knows Best

Saturday, April 4, 2009


-Truly believers are those who pray, pay zakah, bow down in Jamah and are humble

-Hypocrisy started after the Battle of Badr

-If you deviate from the right path, Allah will replace you with some who loves him back, and he is very humble nice but stern to disbelievers (Umar (R))

-Sarah Afzal

Worship and Blessings

The thing that touched me the most is when we were talking about the Day of Judgment and how every blessing was given to us will be taken account for including the things we take for granted.

Another thing I like was how work could be worship


Angel Jibrael

When Rasullulah (S) was given the Wahi, he saw Angel Jibrael in his true form. It has been said that Angel Jibrael has 600 wings and covered the WHOLE HORiZON. SubhanAllah :)


The Rebellious

Ayah 49- "And truly, most of men are faasiqun (rebellious and disobedient to Allah)"
This is a wake up call to all of us, to be of those who are loved by Allah, and to be of those who are a part of Allah's army.

-Fatema R

Above everything and everyone

"Allah should be above everything else that you choose; even when it comes to family"


Witnesses on the Day of Judgement

Among every nation, a witness will be brought forward and the truth. The witness would be the prophet of the nation.



Allah tells you to be the judge of what he has revealed and what the disbelievers say. Allah (swt) will punish those who turn away and their crimes will not be unpunished.


One Allah

Remember, God is only one, and nothing like His creation, so don't even compare Him with anything in this world.


Regret, Repent, Resolve and Reform

1. When you feel regretful it's not the same as asking for forgiveness. Pray 2 rak'at nafl and REGRET REPENT RESOLVE REFORM

2. It takes 40 days to build a habit, try to build a habit like praying Fajr or Tahajjud.



One important thing I learned, do not take Jews, Christians and non-believers as close protecting friends (auliya), as they will turn away from you when in need. They are protectors of each other and not of the believers. The one who takes a non believer as a friend is basically one of them.

-Sana Afzal

Day of Qiyamah

On the Day of Judgement, Allah will remind you of the favors and blessings he has bestowed upon you. Even the Prophets will be shaken by this. This is why we need to thank him NOW.